My First Home Birth

How I knew I found my life’s work 

Six and a half years later and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was a brand newly trained doula excited to get started with this work, but no idea what that looked like. I was sitting at my computer devouring all the information I had recently gained, and exploring ideas for my business name , when a message popped up with a FaceBook alert from a local doula group I was in. With the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas morning, I went to the group thread. A veteran local doula was a few hours out of the area when her client went into labor. She needed immediate back up. Offering her only “my heart and my hands” (something that was the core focus of my recent training) I let her know I was available.

She put her trust in me and I rushed out the door to help! 

I was able to help the person through the early active parts of their labor process and I realized this would be the work I would do for the rest of my life. 

The regular doula arrived a few hours later and thanked me, but also offered to allow me to stay through the birth of the baby. Watching the skill and finesse of her and the midwife was awe inspiring to me. They knew just when to stand back and let birth happen and when to come in close and support and encourage. I realized this work was so much more than just a hear and hands. This work involves soul. Having the ability to just be present for someone is an art more than a skill and it was one I had valued and been working on my whole life.

That day I witness the first vaginal birth I had ever seen, as my own children were born via surgical birth. 

It was emotional, and raw and BEAUTIFUL

To add icing to the cake this baby was born en caul! This is when the baby is born still in the amniotic sac. It is something that doesn’t happen often and is considered to be very special. 

All these years later, I have learned that all births are special and that this work is needed and that I will do it forever. 

Orlando Doulas LLC