Orlando Doulas Keeping You Updated

AAP Updates for Safe Sleep

American Academy of Pediatrics Updated Guidelines Orlando Doulas knows that keeping updated with information is essential. Knowledge is power. Last month the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its guidelines for safe infant sleep and breastfeeding/chestfeeding. Part 1 of our blog informed you of the changes in breastfeeding/chestfeeding and the relevant differences. This week in part…

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Orlando Doulas: Keeping You Informed

Information about CMV

At Orlando Doulas, we believe knowledge is power. The more you know about pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and the newborn phase of life, the better prepared you can be. June is Cytomegalovirus (CMV) awareness month. Here is the information you need about this virus to protect yourself and your unborn baby.

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Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

I did something today that was so beyond my comfort zone. It wasn’t sky diving or rock climbing or cliff jumping kind of stuff… it was a simple Reel on Instagram. But for me that goes so outside my comfort zone.  And I got real!  ~Pun Intended ;-)~ We’re talking messy hair, no make-up, no…

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My First Home Birth

My first home birth

How I knew I found my life’s work  Six and a half years later and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was a brand newly trained doula excited to get started with this work, but no idea what that looked like. I was sitting at my computer devouring all the information I…

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Tell Your Own Story: Take it Queasy

Take It Queasy: A Pregnancy Story Part 1

(A Pregnancy Story) Part 2 In Part 1 of Tell Your Own Story, Brittany and Trey found out very early on that they were expecting their Rainbow Baby. They were excited and nervous having experienced this a few months prior and had lost the baby before week 10. They were getting ready to see their practitioner for…

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Hi, I’m a Doula… A Do What?

physical, emotional, educational support from a doula

What is a doula? This is a question I get asked often. While doulas have been around seemingly forever, (once birth servants/slaves, doulas date back to the ancient greeks) it has only been in the last 20 or 30 years that the doula business has grown in the US.  One reason for the surge in…

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Tell Your Own Story: Rainbows and Unicorns (A Pregnancy Story)

Unicorn and rainbow

We know that the journey from pregnancy to parenthood is a very personal and unique experience.  That’s why the labor and postpartum professionals we contract, provide unbiased support based on your specific wants and needs. We never push an agenda or make judgements about the path you take. And we never compromise your privacy and…

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The Grammy of The Year Goes To

Gramophone, vintage music player

No, not that Grammy… …This Grammy I had just become a doula when my first grandchild was born. I was abreast on all of the latest information and guidelines from WHO, AAP, CDC. I was trained in infant sleep and breastfeeding and I was anxious to share EVERYTHING I had newly learned with my daughter-in-law. (Thank goodness…

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